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Mars/Venus (Dr. Gray) and Dr. Laura

Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, Dr. John Gray
Next to Steve Covey's book 7 Habits), I recommend this as just about required reading for anyone who deals with people of the opposite sex, whether in or not in a "relationship." Did I leave anyone out? Hope not -- READ THE BOOK!!!
Mars and Venus in the Bedroom, Dr. John Gray
Men, Women, and Relationships, Dr. John Gray
While not a Mars/Venus title, it really is part of the series.
Mars and Venus on a Date, Dr. John Gray
The five stages of dating and why each is important.
Ten Stupid Things Men do to Mess up Their Lives, Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Leave Rapunzel in her tower, let someone else rescue Cinderella, and other sound advice sprinkled liberally with examples from her talk show.
Ten Stupid Things Women do to Mess up Their Lives, Dr. Laura Schlessinger
I gave a copy of this to my best friend, but she won't own up as to how many of these she has done ;-)

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In Association with Last updated February 19, 1999 . . .