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Bag of Bones: The paperback is out, but is it worth $4?

I read this book because my mother and sister insisted that I would like it. Even after I told them that I had stopped reading King years earlier (except for the Dark Tower series), they insisted that I would like this book.

I didn't. In fact, reading it was the biggest waste of time I've committed recently.

I consider the book to be borderline pornographic. King could learn from Clancy, who never has explicit sexual scenes or references in his stories unless they are essential threads in the tales's tapestry. There is nothing wrong with erotice literature if that is what you are setting out to write, but I thought this was supposed to be a ghost story, not a series of explicitly described encounters. Has our taste as a society declined to that point that this is considered suitable for mass public consumption?

Perhaps what bothers me even worse is King's being so impressed by his own cuteness. For example, his character makes a remark about men in the state of arousal. It was an interesting (and funny) thought, but King insists on repeating it again and again. He reminds me of a stand-up comic who gets a chuckle from the audience and then repeats the punchline throughout his otherwise mundane routine.

Actually, that's not quite it. It's more like a three-year old, who makes one of those funny remarks and repeats it for days, hoping to get the same reaction from the grown-ups.

King's loyal fans will undoubably love this book, even those who would skewer another writer for such graphic sexual scenes. As far as I'm concerned, his best work is behind him (Carrie, for example.) He was never in danger of being considered a Faulkner or Hemingway but at least his books used to be entertaining and not gross-outs.

If you want to check it out yourself, or read what other reviewers have to say, follow the link below to Amazon:
Bag of Bones, Paperback

I did enjoy the Dark Tower Series:
The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger
The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three
The Dark Tower III: The Wastelands
The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass

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Last updated August 29, 1999