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A George W. Administration may be as bad as Bubba's

Well, let's see. George W. Bush has all but admitted that he snorted.

If he had been caught with the rest of his rich college buds, he would never have been elected dog catcher, much less President.

But, he got away with it, so that's OK?

My first point is, what kind of message are we sending? If you are lucky enough, or rich enough, or smart enough, to get away with something, then it's OK? Aren't we saying, once again, that character doesn't count?

Mr. Bush is recommending stronger penalties for drug violations. Considering the fact that he could have been on the other side of the fence, wouldn't one think he might be a little more understanding of wayward youth? No, he's just another opportunistic politician. Just look how vague he still is on most major issues. He has less substance than the next Silicon Valley dot com.

Remember when the Bill & Monica scandal was in full bloom, and the Republican right was accusing Democratic women of hypocrisy? Their argument (well-taken, I might say) was that if it had been anyone but the darling of the feminists, who had done so much for women's rights, he would have been skewered for committing such an act of harrassment.

Well, who's guilty of hyprocisy now? If anyone other than the darling of the family-values right had admitted to what Bush the Younger implies he did, they would have been skewered. Conservatives still make snide comments about Clinton's "not inhaling."

So, the right and the left are equally hypocritical in this age of personality over substance and I say the hell with them all.

Next: What is the deal with the clemency for the FALN prisoners? First, Mrs. Clinton wants them freed, and it looks like an obvious abuse of power as her husband tries to help out her election bid in New York. Then, she changes her mind but the prisoners are granted clemency anyway. The Clinton circus in Washington continues.

Bottom line: Don't be so sure that a Bush administration would be any cleaner than Clinton's was.

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Last updated September 19, 1999.